Graduate Students

photo of Elias Allen

Elias Allen  (BA, philosophy and economics, UCLA)

photo of Scott Blomgren

Scott Blomgren  (B.A. Philosophy, UCLA) He has interests in language, logic, epistemology, normativity, artificial intelligence, and mind.

photo of Scott Casleton

Scott Casleton  (B.A., Yale University). Scott is writing a dissertation about freedom of speech on the internet. The focus is on social media platforms, search engines, and internet pornography. Scott also works on the history of philosophy, in particular the early modern period.

photo of Luna Cheng

Luna Cheng  (B.A. Philosophy, CUHK). Luna’s main interests are in philosophy of mind and metaphysics, especially consciousness, perception, and mental causation. She is also interested in feminism, phenomenology, and Buddhist philosophy.

photo of Sarah Cohen

Sarah Cohen  (B.A., Yale College; J.D., The University of Chicago Law School). Sarah’s primary interests are in legal, moral, and political philosophy.

photo of SJ Cowan

SJ Cowan  My interests are in thinkers like Kant, the German Romantics, and Wittgenstein, as well as in Critical Theory, and Feminist and Black thought. My dissertation—which draws heavily on Kant, Schiller, Nietzsche, and Adorno—is (tentatively) titled “The Play of Appearances: Aesthetic Semblance and the Reflective Conception of Art”.

photo of Katie Coyne

Katie Coyne  (B.A., Yale 2020, M. Phil, University of Cambridge, 2021). Katie is interested in metaphysics and ethics, with a historical focus. Philosophers she is particularly interested in include Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, and Murdoch.

photo of Hannah DeBrine

Hannah DeBrine  (B.S. with comprehensive honors, Mathematics and Philosophy, UW Madison). Hannah is interested in epistemology and moral psychology. Her dissertation is about testimony, particularly testimony from friends, experts, and scientific communities. In general, she is interested in the way others’ minds matter to us.

photo of Will Dempsey

Will Dempsey  (B.A. Philosophy, Washington University in St. Louis; M.A. Philosophy, Brandeis University); (Meta)metaphysics, philosophy of language, perception, history of philosophy.

photo of Micah Dubreuil

Micah Dubreuil  (B.A. Philosophy, Wesleyan University; M.A. Philosophy, San Francisco State University). Micah has many questions about the structure and sources of normativity—primarily in the areas of mind, action, and aesthetics.

photo of Matthew  Duvalier

Matthew Duvalier  (B.A. Johns Hopkins) Matthew is a student in the Logic Group. He studies mathematical logic.

photo of James Evershed

James Evershed  (B.A., Philosophy, Politics, & Economics, University of Oxford, 2017; MPhil, Philosophy, University of St Andrews, 2020). I spend much of my time trying to use formal tools to tackle problems in areas of ethics including our duties to help those in need, the right to privacy, population ethics, axiology, animal ethics, equality, and desert.

photo of Virginia Foggo

Virginia Foggo  (B.A. Philosophy, UCLA). Virginia is interested in political philosophy, normative ethics and social epistemology. At the moment, her primary interests lie at the intersection of democratic theory and feminist epistemology.

photo of Emily Fox-Penner

Emily Fox-Penner  (A.B., Harvard) Emily’s main interests are in political philosophy, philosophy of science, and the history of philosophy.

photo of Burçe Gümüşlü

Burçe Gümüşlü  (B.A. Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations, Boğaziçi University; M.A. Logic and Philosophy of Science, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich)

photo of Tyler Haddow

Tyler Haddow  (B.A., Philosophy, Stanford University, 2014).Tyler thinks mostly about topics that (are usually thought to) belong to moral psychology, the theory of practical reason, philosophy & literature, the history of existentialism, and Wittgenstein.

photo of Russell Helder

Russell Helder  (M.A. with distinction, Philosophy, Georgia State University, 2019; B.A. Classics & B.S.A. Chemistry, UT Austin, 2016). His main area of research is ancient Greek philosophy, especially Aristotle’s ethics and psychology. Russ is also interested in eighteenth-century moral philosophy, particularly Hume, Kant, and Adam Smith.

photo of Jes Heppler

Jes Heppler  (B.A., summa cum laude, SUNY Geneseo) Jes is writing a dissertation on gut feelings and their moral, epistemic, and social value. In general, Jes’ main interests are in embodiment and selfhood, social philosophy, moral psychology, and feminist epistemology.

photo of Anhui Huang

Anhui Huang  (B.A., Philosophy, Williams College) My main areas of interest are language and epistemology. Recently I have been thinking about certainty and uncertainty reports, and their relation to inquiry. I am also interested in lying, assertion, and truth in fiction.

photo of Fanyi Jiang

Fanyi Jiang  (B.A. Philosophy, Peking University, 2024). Fanyi’s main interests are in philosophy of mind, philosophy of cognitive science, and ethics. She also has interests in philosophy of psychiatry and moral psychology.

photo of Reid Kurashige

Reid Kurashige  (B.A., Williams College) He is broadly interested in ethics (especially metaethics) and the history of philosophy (especially Kant).

photo of Elek Lane

Elek Lane  (B.A., University of Chicago) Epistemology, language, empiricism, Kant. Language, acrostics, naming, existentialism.

photo of Urte  Laukaityte

Urte Laukaityte  (B.A. Linguistics, University of Cambridge; M.Sc. Philosophy of Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh) Urte is working within philosophy of psychiatry, but she is also readily excitable about issues in philosophies of mind, psychology, cognitive science, biology as well as the history and philosophy of medicine generally.

photo of Madeleine Levac

Madeleine Levac  (B.A. Hons. with high distinction, University of Toronto). Madeleine’s main interests lie at the intersection of philosophy of language and mind.

photo of Amanda Lopatin

Amanda Lopatin  (B.A., Rice University). Amanda is interested in value theory, broadly construed.

photo of Jennifer Marsh

Jennifer Marsh  (B.A., M.A., University of Pennsylvania) Jennifer is interested in early modern philosophy, particularly Kant’s theoretical philosophy. She is writing her dissertation on the role of concepts in perception for Kant.

photo of Susanna McGrew

Susanna McGrew  (B.A. Philosophy and Economics, Swarthmore College). Her main interests are in ethics, political philosophy, and philosophy of law.

photo of Russell McIntosh

Russell McIntosh  (B.S. in Mathematics and Philosophy with Highest Distinction, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) Russ is interested in ethics, especially animal ethics, and metaethics.

photo of Kaden McMillan

Kaden McMillan  (B.A., University of Notre Dame). Kaden’s main interests are in philosophical logic, the philosophy of language, and the philosophy of race. He also has interests in the philosophy of math, the philosophy of science, and the history of non-Western philosophical traditions.

photo of Teague Morris

Teague Morris  Teague Morris (B.A. summa cum laude with Highest Honors in Philosophy, Williams College). Teague is interested primarily in the philosophy of mind and epistemology, with particular interests in phenomenology, pragmatism, relativism and skepticism.

photo of Milan Mossé

Milan Mossé  (B.A.H. Philosophy, B.S. Mathematics, M.S. Computer Science; Stanford) I’m mainly interested in logic and moral, social, and political philosophy. Here’s my website.

photo of Christian Nakazawa

Christian Nakazawa  (A.B., Dartmouth College) Christian is writing a dissertation on discrimination, with special focus on algorithmic fairness. More generally, his interests include moral and political philosophy, philosophy of law, and moral psychology.

photo of Adrian Ommundsen

Adrian Ommundsen  (BA, BSc, Oslo; MA, LMU Munich) My main interests are in philosophy of language, philosophical logic, and formal epistemology. Some of my more specific research interests are conditionals, questions, varieties of dependence, and causal reasoning.

photo of Patrick Pan

Patrick Pan  (A.B. Computer Science, Harvard; M.M. Piano Performance, New England Conservatory; B.A. Philosophy, Cambridge). Patrick is primarily interested in ethics—recent focuses include normative reasons, reactive attitudes, and epistemic injustice—with a strong secondary interest in aesthetics. He is also especially interested in philosophical questions concerning digital technology across all subfields of philosophy.

photo of Luca Passi

Luca Passi  (B.A., Pavia; MPhil, Cambridge) I have interests in ethics, language and decision theory.

photo of William Phillips

William Phillips  (M.A. Brandeis) I study issues in metaphysics and the history of modern philosophy, especially concerning the philosophy of space and time. I have other interests in the history and philosophy of science and the philosophy of mind. My dissertation critically explores Spinozistic accounts of metaontology, metaepistemology, thought, and extension.

photo of Pia  Schneider

Pia Schneider  (B.A., German Studies, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 2013; M.A., Logic and Philosophy of Science, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, 2016). Pia is writing her dissertation on Kant’s conception of space as the form of sensibility. Some of her other interests are in visual art, new media, and feminism.

photo of Edward Schwartz

Edward Schwartz  (B.A., UC Berkeley, 2017.) I work on philosophy of language, especially where it intersects with ethics and metaethics.

photo of Coleman Solis

Coleman Solis  (B.A. Philosophy, Pomona College, 2019; Bioethics Fellow, NIH, 2021). I’m mostly interested in ethics, especially in questions about how one might live a meaningful, moral life, and a few topics in bioethics.

photo of Jonathan Tanaka

Jonathan Tanaka  (B.A. Philosophy and Mathematics, Columbia University, 2023). His working interests include the philosophy, foundations, and history of mathematics and computer science, philosophical logic, metametaphysics, metaphilosophy, analytic metaphysics, and and the intersection of mind, metasemantics, and language. However, he tries to be interested in “everything” (in the broadest possible sense of the term).

photo of Warren Thimothe

Warren Thimothe  (B.A. cum laude in Philosophy, Amherst College, 2018) His main interests are in political philosophy, philosophy of language, and the history of analytic philosophy.

photo of Sarah Vernallis

Sarah Vernallis  (B.A.H., Philosophy, Stanford University, 2019). Her dissertation is on empathy, imagination, and art. Her work interacts with epistemology, philosophy of language, and feminist philosophy.

photo of Daniel Villalon

Daniel Villalon  (B.A., philosophy and mathematics, Northwestern University, 2017). I am working on topics in the philosophy of logic and language with a focus on proof-theoretic semantics. I also have strong interests in the metaphysics of truth and the history of analytic philosophy.

photo of Aglaia von Götz

Aglaia von Götz  (B.A. Philosophy and Mathematics, University of Zurich; BPhil, University of Oxford) Aglaia’s primary interests are metaphysics and philosophy of language.

photo of Alina Wang

Alina Wang  (B.A., Philosophy & Psychology, Smith College, 2019). Philosophy of mind, particularly regarding emotion, action, and perception.

photo of Megan Wu

Megan Wu  (B.A. Highest Honors Philosophy and Mathematics, Swarthmore College, 2023). She is interested in ethics and moral psychology, both in contemporary and Ancient Greek traditions. Current topics of special interest include akrasia, friendship, and anger.

photo of Cindy Xin

Cindy Xin  (B.A., Philosophy and B.S., Symbolic Systems, Stanford University, 2024). Cindy is primarily interested in philosophy of mind, epistemology, and philosophy of science.