Spring 2025

Lower-division undergraduate courses

These courses have no prerequisites.

Number Title Instructor Days/time Room
R1B Reading and Composition Through Philosophy Crockett MW 5-6:30 Dwinelle 263
2 Individual Morality and Social Justice Wallace MWF 10-11 2040 Valley Life Sciences Building
3 Nature of Mind Lee MWF 1-2 Lewis 100
12A Introduction to Logic Holliday TuTh 12:30-2 Hearst Mining 390
25B Modern Philosophy Primus MWF 11-12 Hearst Annex A1
98BC-1 Berkeley Connect Lane Tu 5-6 237 Cory
98BC-2 Berkeley Connect Lane Tu 6-7 201 Giannini

Upper-division undergraduate courses

Students enrolling in these courses should have completed at least 8 units in philosophy. Some courses may have additional prerequisites: check the course descriptions for details.

Number Title Instructor Days/time Room
100 Philosophical Methods Dasgupta W 4-6 Dwinelle 219
109 Freedom & Responsibility Wallace MWF 2-3 Wheeler 222
115 Political Philosophy Viehoff MWF 1-2 Wheeler 102
121 Moral Questions of Data Science Kolodny MWF 9-10 Wheeler 222
122 Theory of Knowledge Zhang TuTh 2-3:30 Wheeler 108
128 Philosophy of Science Rubenstein TuTh 11-12:30 Dwinelle 88
132 Philosophy of Mind Campbell MWF 10-11 Wheeler 204
135 Theory of Meaning MacFarlane TuTh 11-12:30 Wheeler 222
140B Intermediate Logic Mancosu TuTh 9:30-11 Etcheverry 3109
C158 Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy Coseru TuTh 9:30-11 Dwinelle 242
161 Aristotle Hobbs TuTh 9:30-11 Social Sciences 56
173 Leibniz Crockett MWF 3-4 Wheeler 222
178 Kant Warren TuTh 2-3:30 Wheeler 300
186B Later Wittgenstein Ginsborg TuTh 12:30-2 Wheeler 102
190 Proseminar: Hannah Arendt: Thinking, Acting, Judging Kaiser Tu 4-7 Wheeler 124
H196 Senior Seminar: A Collaborative Writing Workshop Ginsborg Tu 4-6 Philosophy 302
198BC-2 Berkeley Connect Dolan W 6-7 201 Giannini
198BC-1 Berkeley Connect Dolan W 5-6 80 Social Sciences

Graduate seminars

Graduate seminars are intended primarily for graduate students in Philosophy and in Logic and the Methodology of Science. Others who wish to enroll should seek the instructor's permission.

Number Title Instructor Days/time Room
290-1 Graduate Seminar: Causation, Time, and Free Will Campbell M 12-2 Philosophy 234
290-2 Graduate Seminar: The mathematics of the infinitely large: a genealogy. Mancosu Th 2-4 Philosophy 234
290-3 Graduate Seminar: The Metaphysics and Psychology of Causation Gómez Sánchez/Rubenstein Tu 4-6 Philosophy 234
290-4 Graduate Seminar: Love and Knowing Noë W 2-4 Philosophy 234
290-5 Graduate Seminar: Political Realism – Classical Roots and Contemporary Issues Sluga Th 10-12 Philosophy 234
290-6 Graduate Seminar: Ethics and Time Frick W 4-6 Philosophy 234
290-7 Graduate Seminar: The Structure of Wronging Kolodny W 12-2 Philosophy 234
290-8 Graduate Seminar Cohen F 12-3 TBA
290-9 Graduate Seminar: Aristotle’s Physics, Book VIII Hobbs Tu 12-2 Philosophy 234

Online Schedule of Classes | Catalog | Course Descriptions