Fall 2025 (provisional)

Note: This schedule is subject to change and should be used only as a rough guide.

Graduate seminars

Graduate seminars are intended primarily for graduate students in Philosophy and in Logic and the Methodology of Science. Others who wish to enroll should seek the instructor's permission.

Number Title Instructor Days/time Room
200 First-Year Graduate Seminar Dasgupta/Martin Tu 4-6 Stroud Room
290-1 Graduate Seminar: Munoz-Dardé M 12-2 Phil 234
290-2 Graduate Seminar: Wallace Tu 10-12 Phil 234
290-3 Graduate Seminar: Normativity and Its Relation to Reasons Ginsborg W 2-4 TBA
290-4 Graduate Seminar: Cohen/Wallace F 12-3 UCB Law 141
290-5 Graduate Seminar: Holliday Tu 2-4 Phil 234
290-6 Graduate Seminar: Consent and Normative Powers Kolodny Th 12-2 Phil 234
290-7 Graduate Seminar: Bailey Tu 4-6 Phil 234
290-8 Graduate Seminar: Gómez Sánchez/Lee Th 2-4 Phil 234
375 Teaching Seminar Kaiser W 6-8 Phil 234

Online Schedule of Classes | Catalog | Course Descriptions