Spring 2022
Lower-division undergraduate courses
These courses have no prerequisites.
Number | Title | Instructor | Days/time | Room |
R1B | Reading and Composition Through Philosophy | Crockett | MW 5-6:30 | Wheeler 122 |
2 | Individual Morality and Social Justice | Frick | MWF 12-1 | Lewis 100 |
7 | Existentialism in Literature and Film | Novakovic | TuTh 9:30-11 | Dwinelle 88 |
12A | Introduction to Logic | Holliday | MWF 2-3 | Hearst Annex A1 |
18 | Confucius for Today | Shun | MWF 3-4 | Wheeler 222 |
25B | Modern Philosophy | Primus | MWF 11-12 | Dwinelle 145 |
98BC-2 | Berkeley Connect | Khokhar | M 6-7 | Wheeler 126 |
98BC-1 | Berkeley Connect | Khokhar | M 5-6 | Wheeler 126 |
Upper-division undergraduate courses
Students enrolling in these courses should have completed at least 8 units in philosophy. Some courses may have additional prerequisites: check the course descriptions for details.
Number | Title | Instructor | Days/time | Room |
100 | Philosophical Methods | Lee | Tu 4-6 | Social Sci 110 |
107 | Moral Psychology | Bailey | MWF 10-11 | Wheeler 204 |
117AC | Philosophy of Race, Ethnicity and Citizenship | Crockett | MWF 1-2 | Wheeler 204 |
121 | Moral Questions of Data Science | Kolodny | MWF 9-10 | Social Sci 126 |
132 | Philosophy of Mind | Lee | TuTh 12:30-2 | Wheeler 204 |
133 | Philosophy of Language | Yalcin | TuTh 2-3:30 | McCone 141 |
140A | Intermediate Logic | Warren | MWF 2-3 | Wheeler 222 |
154 | Arabic Philosophy | Clarke | TuTh 11-12:30 | Wurster 102 |
161 | Aristotle | MacFarlane | TuTh 11-12:30 | Dwinelle 88 |
170 | Descartes | Crockett | MWF 10-11 | Wheeler 222 |
181 | Hegel | Novakovic | TuTh 12:30-2 | Social Sci 56 |
H196 | Senior Seminar | Ginsborg | W 4-6 | Moses 302 |
198BC-1 | Berkeley Connect | Paris | Tu 5-6 | Wheeler 106 |
198BC-2 | Berkeley Connect | Paris | Tu 6-7 | Wheeler 126 |
198BC-3 | Berkeley Connect | Dolan | W 5-6 | Wheeler 106 |
Graduate seminars
Graduate seminars are intended primarily for graduate students in Philosophy and in Logic and the Methodology of Science. Others who wish to enroll should seek the instructor's permission.
Number | Title | Instructor | Days/time | Room |
290-1 | Graduate Seminar: Individual, Social, and Ethical Choice | Holliday | M 11-1 | Moses 234 |
290-2 | Graduate Seminar: Art, Philosophy, and Entanglement | Noë | Tu 12-2 | Moses 234 |
290-3 | Graduate Seminar: Thought, Character, and Action in Aristotle | Clarke | Tu 2-4 | Moses 234 |
290-4 | Graduate Seminar: Sense and Sensibility: the British Moralists | Bailey | M 2-4 | Moses 234 |
290-5 | Graduate Seminar: Wittgenstein’s Tractatus | Sluga | Th 12-2 | Moses 234 |
290-6 | Graduate Seminar: Topics in Kant’s Theoretical Philosophy - The Transcendental Deduction | Warren | Th 2-4 | Moses 234 |
290-7 | Graduate Seminar: Workshop in Law, Philosophy & Political Theory | Cohen/Grewal | F 12-3 | UCB Law 141 |
295 | Dissertation Seminar | Primus | Th 6-8 | Moses 234 |