Philosophy 290-5
Spring 2014
Number | Title | Instructor | Days/time | Room |
290-5 | Graduate Seminar: Conditions of Thought | Stroud | Tu 4-6 | 234 Moses |
An open-ended discussion-seminar exploring some necessary conditions of thought and some epistemological and metaphysical consequences of those conditions’ being fulfilled. Areas of discussion, with special attention to the connections between them, include: awareness, discrimination, and the possession of concepts; predication, propositional thought, and the unity of judgement; assent, belief, inference, and recognition of reasons; belief, understanding, intention, and a capacity for propositonal thought; predicational competence and perceptual knowledge; conditions of self- and other-ascription of attitudes; self-consciousness, self-knowledge, and recognition of reasons.
No week-by-week agenda fixed in advance. I welcome presentations by participants on topics in these or related areas.