Philosophy 187

Spring 2012

Number Title Instructor Days/time Room
187 Topics in the History of Philosophy: Kant’s aesthetics Ginsborg W 2-5 233 Dwinelle

We will discuss Kant’s aesthetic theory, focussing primarily on his theory of the beautiful. We will be concerned both with the theory in its own right, and with its broader philosophical implications. Readings will be drawn mostly from the Critique of Judgment, with some background material and some secondary readings; we may also read some contemporary aesthetic theory. Choice of readings will to some extent be determined by the interests of the students participating. The class will be conducted as a seminar, and participants will be expected to participate actively in discussion. Requirements will include several short writing assignments and a long final paper; participation in class discussion will be taken into account in determining the final grade.

Enrollment in the class is limited to 15 and is by application only. To apply to enroll, you should send an email (with “Philosophy 187 Application” in the subject line) to the instructor at with a brief description of your reasons for wishing to take the course and a description of your background in philosophy, including, but not necessarily limited to, a list of philosophy courses already taken and the corresponding grades. Participants will be expected to have a substantial background in philosophy. Preference will be given to philosophy majors, and, within that group, to seniors. The deadline is Friday Dec 9. If your application is accepted, you will receive a course enrollment code by email before the end of December.