Philosophy 25B
Summer 2011 Session A
Number | Title | Instructor | Days/time | Room |
25B | Modern Philosophy | Bruce | MTuWTh 12-2 | 223 Dwinelle |
The course will survey some of the main metaphysical and epistemological positions of five important early modern philosophers: Descartes, Spinoza, Berkeley, Hume and Kant. We will be concerned with their views regarding the structure of reality (the existence of God; the nature of the human mind and its relation to the body; the nature of bodies; causation) and with how we relate to the world around us (perception; the possibility of knowledge about the external world; induction). We will consider these views in light of the scientific developments of the 17th and 18th centuries, as reactions to Aristotelian doctrine, and in their own right.
Previously taught: SP11 (Stroud), SU10D (Bruce), SU10A (Schnee), SP10 (Ginsborg), SU09D (Schwenkler), SU09A (Parrott), SP09 (Ginsborg), SU08D (Bezsylko), SU08A (Beattie), SP08 (Ginsborg), SU07A (Beattie), SP07 (Ginsborg), SU06D (Smalligan), SP06 (Ginsborg), SU05D (Beattie), SU05A (Smith), SP05 (McCann), SU04D (Berger), SU04A (Crockett), SP04 (Ginsborg).