Philosophy 3
Summer 2025 Session A
Number | Title | Instructor | Days/time | Room |
3 | The Nature of Mind | Levac | TuWTh 1-3:30 | Wheeler 124 |
This course is an introduction to the philosophy of mind. You and I are conscious; we have experiences. In this respect among others we differ from such things as rocks, bicycles, planets, or waterfalls. But in some ways we are not so different from them. We have bodies composed of matter, subject to the laws of physics; the same is true even of our brains.
What explains the fact that some of the things in the world have conscious experiences, while others do not? What is the nature of the mind and the self we often associate with it, and how do these connect up with our scientific picture of the universe? What is consciousness, anyway? How and to what extent do the perceptual experiences of a subject put her in touch with a mind-indepexndent world? In the process of considering these questions and others, we’ll work on developing skills in reading and writing philosophy.
Previously taught: SP25 (Lee), FL24 (Campbell), SU24D (Huang), SU24A (Dolan), FL23 (Campbell), SU23A (Lane), SP23 (Campbell), FL22 (Lee), SU22D (Benjamin), SU22A (Strelau), FL21 (Campbell), SU21A (Dolan), SP21 (Campbell), FL20 (Noë), SU20D (Benjamin), SU20A (Beattie), SP20 (Campbell), FL19 (Lee), SU19D (Bradley), SU19A (Khatchirian), SP19 (Campbell), FL18 (Noë), SU18D (Abid), SU18A (Suarez), SP18 (Campbell), FL17 (Noë), SU17D (Suarez), SU17A (Bradley), SP17 (Campbell), FL16 (Noë), SU16D (Bradley), SU16A (Kerr), SP16 (Campbell), SU15D (Sethi), SU15A (Andrews), FL14 (Campbell), SU14D (Hutchinson), SU14A (Khatchirian), SP14 (Lee), FL13 (Campbell), SU13D (Sethi), SU13A (Andrews), SP13 (Noë), FL12 (Campbell), SU12A (Winzeler), SP12 (Lee), FL11 (Campbell), SU11D (Winzeler), FL10 (Lee), SU10D (Bezsylko), SP10 (Campbell), FL09 (Lee), SU09D (Bezsylko), SU09A (Schnee), SP09 (Campbell), SU08D (Parrott), SU08A (Stazicker), FL07 (Campbell), SU07A (Genone), SP07 (Campbell), FL06 (Noë), SU06D (Beattie), SP06 (Campbell), SU05D (Vega), SU05A (Nanay), SP05 (Campbell), SP04 (Noë).