

Partitioning of the Soul in Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy (collection of papers on the concept of “parts” of the soul) co-edited with D. Perler, De Gruyter Berlin / New York, 2014.

Aristoteles. De motu animalium. Introduction, new Greek Text, translation and short commentary, Meiner, Hamburg (in German). Text edited by O. Primavesi, 2016.

Aristoteles. De anima. Text (reprint of A. Foerster’s edition 1912) and translation with a short Commentary (in German), Meiner, Hamburg, 2016

Handbuch Aristoteles (Aristotle Handbook in German), with C. Rapp, Metzler, Stuttgart, 2011.

Beiträge zur Aristotelischen Handlungstheorie (collection of essays on Aristotle’s philosophy of action) with C. Rapp, Franz Steiner, Stuttgart, 2008.

Streben und Bewegen. Aristoteles. Theorie der animalischen Ortsbewegung. Quellen und Studien zur Philosophie, De Gruyter, Berlin 2008.


“Activity, Passivity, and Perceptual Discrimination in Aristotle,” in: Active Perception Ancient to Modern, ed. J. F. Silva & M. Yrjönsuuri, Springer, New York, 2014.

“Faculties: Ancient Debates,” Oxford Philosophical Concepts ‘Faculty’, ed. C. Mercer & D. Perler, Oxford, 2015.

“La Psychologie”, Lire Aristote, ed. E. Berti / M. Crubellier, Paris, Vrin (expected 2015).

“De Motu Animalium 6,” Proceedings of the XIX. Symposium Aristotelicum, Oxford University Press, ed. C. Rapp, O. Primavesi OUP (2015).

“Phantasia und Phantasie bei Aristoteles, ” Imagination, Transformation und die Entstehung des Neuen. Beiträge zur Transformation der Antike, ed. P. Brüllmann / U. Rombach / C. Wilde: De Gruyter, Berlin (2014).

“Aristotle’s Model of Animal Motion,” (with P. Gregoric), Phronesis 58/1 (2013).

“Aristotle’s Notion of Non-Rational Desire,”: Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. A Critical Guide, I. Miller: Cambridge University Press (2011): 117-143.

“Separability vs. Difference: Parts and Capacities of the Soul in Aristotle,” co-authored (with P. Gregoric), Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy XXXIX (2010): 81-119.

“Wie ist Hobbes’ Reduktion der Sinnesempfindungen zu verstehen?,” Ideen. Repräsentationalismus in der Frühen Neuzeit, D. Perler, J. Haag. (ed.). Berlin & New York: W. de Gruyter (2010): Vol. II, 83-122.

“How are Episodes of Thought Initiated, According to Aristotle?,” Soul and Mind. Ancient and Medieval Perspectives on the De anima. Proceedings of the Jubilee of the Wulf De Mansion Centre, Leuven, G. van Riel, P. Destrée, Brill (2009): 1-15.

“Akrasie bei Aristoteles: Die erste Aporie,” Beiträge zur Aristotelischen Handlungstheorie, K. Corcilius, C. Rapp (ed.) (2008): 143-172.

“Praktische Syllogismen bei Aristoteles,” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 3/2008 (2008): 247-297.

“Two-Jobs for Aristotle’s Practical Syllogism?,” Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy 11 (2008): 163-184.

“Aristoteles’ praktische Syllogismen in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts,” Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy (2008): 101-132.


“De anima” (pp. 88-97)‚ “Physik” (pp. 75-84)’, “Denken” (pp. 197-206), “Handlungstheorie, Fortbewegung” (pp. 239-247),“Freundschaft” (pp. 224-226), “Methode” (pp. 266-271)“Phantasia” (pp. 298-302), “Streben” (pp. 330-334), in Handbuch Aristoteles ed. K. Corcilius, C. Rapp, Metzler, Stuttgart, 2011.

“agathon,” (pp. 3-8), “orthos logos”(pp. 406-407) (both with Ph. Brüllmann), “astrologia” (pp. 84-87), “anchinoia” (p. 44), “pragma” (pp. 486-487), “methodos” (356-361), “pros hen” (pp. 496-498), “synthesis” (pp. 562-564), in Aristoteles-Lexikon, ed. O. Höffe, Kröner, Stuttgart, 2006.


André Laks, Marwan Rashed (edd.) „Aristote et le mouvement des animaux“ Dix études sur le de Motu Animalium. Septembrion, Villeneuve d’Ascq Cédex, 2004, in Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 59 (1), 2005, S.150f.

Carlo Natali (ed.), Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics, Book VII, Symposium Aristotelicum, (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009), Rhizai VIII, 1, 2011, pp. 99-109.

Sabine Föllinger, (ed.), Was ist ‘Leben’? Aristoteles’ Anschauungen zur Entstehung und Funktionsweise von Leben (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2010) in Scripta Classica Israelica vol. XXX, 2011, pp. 144-147.

Updated on 2016-03-23 19:32:42 -0700 by Klaus Corcilius