Ian Schnee
E-mail: ischnee@uw.edu
Web: http://phil.washington.edu/people/ian-schnee
Dissertation advisors:
Niko Kolodny and Barry Stroud
(B.A., Middlebury, 1999; B.A., Oxford, 2002; Ph.D., Berkeley, 2010)
Ian is a Lecturer at the University of Washington.
He works the day shift in epistemology and metaphysics, but he moonlights as a logic/language/science/mind/philosophy of film enthusiast.
His dissertation was on the metaphysics of reasons and the internalism-externalism debate in epistemology.
Check out some of Ian’s papers:
“Basic Factive Perceptual Reasons” (DRAFT: Please cite published version in Philosophical Studies)
“There Is No Knowledge from Falsehood” (Please cite published version in Episteme)
“The Explanatory Argument for Factualism”
“The Feminine Logical Mystique” This is an old paper and has several shortcomings, but I still get occasional emails about it so I leave it up here.
Also check out:
Ian’s Dissertation Abstract: “Justification, Reasons and Truth”
Ian’s Dissertation: “Justification, Reasons and Truth”
Ian was also the founder and co-president of the Berkeley Wine Society, whose six-person blind-tasting team in 2009 won its second straight victory over the HMC, Oxford, wine team at the annual Oxford-Berkeley Wine Challenge in Napa, CA.